Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1. Who's your man? Matthew Vaughn Bartlett
2. How long have you been together? Since May 1999
3. How long did you date? A year
5. Who eats more? Uhh I would have to say Matt
6. Who said "I Love You" first? Matt. I was scared spitless to say it back but then i did :)

7. Who is taller? He is.
8. Who sings better? I do but Matt usually sings high soprano to make the song funny :)
9. Who is smarter? Whats the issue were discussing?
10. Who's temper is worse? Mine! I'm a spitfire!

11. Who does the laundry? Matt does his work uniform and I do ALL the other stuff.
12. Who does the dishes? I usually clean up the kitchen, but Matt helps out every once in a while
13. Who pays the bills? That would be me :)

14. Who is better with the computer? Matt! I'm computer illiterate
15. Who mowes the lawn? We both take turns. We love doing yard work and see how pretty it turns out.
16. Who cooks dinner? I do not cook. I burn EVERYTHING! If it is something important, i have Matt do it.
17. Who drives when you are together? Matt
18. Who pays when you go out? Depends when we got paid
19. Who is most stubborn? We both can be stubborn I guess
20. Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Matt. (I don't do anything wrong) hehehe.(just kidding)
21. Who's parents do you see the most? Matt's parents, since we live in the same city as they do.
22. Who kissed who first? I think it was mutual.
23. Who asked who out? I cant remember, we went to Lagoon.
24. Who proposed? Matt did.
25. Who is more sensitive? We are both sensitive
26. Who has more friends? We both have FUN friends.

27. Who has more siblings? We both have the same amount of siblings in our families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would personally like to comment that on #26, I am one of the best and FUNNEST!!! Even if that isn't a word! Cute blog, Bethie!